projects.js | Paul Cosma

  1// =============================================
  2// .My latest projects
  3// =============================================
  8export default function projects() {
  9.return [
 10..{ 'CloudMargin',
 12...type: 'fintech', '',
 14...inProgress: true,
 15...summary: [
 16....'CloudMargin is the single-instance collateral',
 17....'management platform built to drive efficiency and',
 18....'reduce risk and costs for the world's banks,',
 19....'buy-side institutions, outsourcers and corporates.'
 21...period: [2021, 2025],
 22...role: 'Full-stack Software Engineer',
 23...technologies: [
 31..{ 'Pacstall',
 33...type: ['ui', 'devops', 'cli'], '',
 35...inProgress: true,
 36...summary: [
 37....'An Arch User Repository implementation',
 38....'for Debian, Ubuntu and derivatives.'
 40...period: [2021, 2022],
 41...role: 'Frontend Software Engineer',
 42...technologies: [
 52// @FIXME: maybe add smaller projects too..?